Are Airheads Vegan or Not?

Are airheads vegan or not? Airheads are a popular candy in the United States, known for their delicious taste and chewy texture. However, there is some confusion within the Muslim community living in the USA and surrounding areas who prefer vegan lifestyle about whether Airheads are suitable for vegans. There are several aspects to consider before deciding whether airheads are vegan or not. In this article, we will explore the ingredients of Airheads in order to get facts based information.  Are Airheads Halal or Haram to eat check here.

What Are Airheads?

Before going to our main top that is Are Airheads Vegan, we will reveals about Airheads. Airheads are chewy candy which is known for their bold flavors and colorful. The candy was introduced in the US in 1986 and within no time it has gained popularity for the reasons that it has unique taste and texture. Airheads are available in several different flavor such as cherry, blue raspberry, watermelon and grape. The demand for airheads continues to increase over time and sometimes it becomes difficult to purchase due to shortages during events.

It is not only the favorite items of American community but also has become popular items for the people come in the USA. However, the question arises here whether airheads are vegan or not. People who choose to adopt a vegan lifestyle are eager to find out. It is important to check the products used to manufacture airheads. Let’s examine the ingredients and manufacturing process before going further. 

What is Vegan?

Vegan also referred to veganism is a lifestyle. It is adopted to abstain from consuming animal products such as avoiding meat, dairy, eggs, honey, and any other products made from animals. People prefer vegan lifestyle for various such as animal welfare, environmental sustainability and as well as personal health issues. 

Vegan food has become popular because people become more aware of the health benefits of a plant-based diet. Foods that are made from plants, such as vegetables, grains, nuts, and fruits, are not only delicious but also good for your health. It has been proven that a vegan diet becomes the reason to lower the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer.  

Airheads Vegan Ingredients:

In this part of the post, we will discuss the components that are used to manufacture airheads. The components will answer the question i.e. are airheads vegan or not.


Sugar is made from plants such as sugarcane or sugar beets. So sugar is considered as vegan unless it is not manufactured by using bone char in the refining process. Generally sugar is vegan friend. 

Corn Syrup: 

It is the main component that is used to prepare Airheads. Corn syrup is definitely vegan because it is manufactured from starch of corn.

Maltodextrin & Dextrose:

Maltodextrin and dextrose are generally manufactured from plant-based ingredients. These are  commonly used as sweeteners and thickeners, making them suitable for a vegan diet.

Modified Food Starch:

The main sources of Modified food starch are corn and potatoes. Modified food starch is vegan friend, therefore the use of it while making airheads is considered vegan.  

Hydrogenated Soybean Oil:

Hydrogenated soybean oil is considered vegan because it is made from soybeans. The hydrogenated process may contain animal material. However, this usually does not happen, therefore, it is a vegan product.

Artificial Flavors & Colors:

Artificial flavors and colors are made from plant and animal sources. However, plant-based artificial flavors and colors are used in the processing of airheads.

Airheads Non-Vegan Ingredients:

Airheads are vegan if yes, what kinds of non-vegan ingredients are used. In this portion of the post will disclose information about vegan ingredients that are used to prepare non-vegan airheads.


Gelatin is a common ingredient in many foods and is made by boiling and extracting collagen from the bones, connective tissues, and skin of animals such as pigs, cows, and fish. Airheads uses non-specific gelatin, which means it could be sourced from any of these animals or a mixture of them.


Carmine is a red food coloring that is derived from crushing the covers of female cochineal scale insects. This process results in the death of between 22 and 89 billion cochineals every year to meet the demand for carmine. 


Beeswax is a natural substance which is produced by honeybees. It is commonly used in various products such as candles, cosmetics, and food items. It is non-vegan item for several reasons. Beeswax is  used to manufacture some of the airheads as reported on their official website.


Shellac is a natural product that is commonly used as a food glaze and for coating pharmaceutical pills. It is derived from the resin excreted by lac insects, which attach to trees in which they live. Harvesting the resin involves scraping it off the trees, which unfortunately results in the death of the insects. 

are airheads vegan

Are Airheads Vegan:

There are different types of Airheads candies available to people. Some airheads are made using gelatin, which is usually made from an animal source, especially pork, making these types of airheads non-vegan. However, other airheads products are considered vegan friendly. Let’s check which Airhead Candy are vegan and which are non-vegan. 

Are Airheads Bars Vegan?

We will have to examine the ingredients used to prepare Airheads Bars in order to check these are vegan or non-vegan. Generally above mentioned ingredients such as artificial flavors & colors, Hydrogenated Soybean Oil, Maltodextrin and Dextrose,  Modified Food Starch, Corn Syrup and Sugar are used to prepare airheads bars. Therefore, as it is clear that no non-vegan material is used thus, airheads bars are vegan friendly.

Are Airheads Xtremes Sourfuls Vegan:

Airheads Xtremes Sourfuls is also another famous product among the Americans. However, people who are vegan want to know that Airheads Xtremes Soursulfs are vegan or not. We will check here the ingredients that are used to prepare this item in order to check.

On the official website of Airheads it has been disclosed that the Xtreme Sourfuls are prepared with Sugar, Corn Starch, Malic Acid, Potatoes, Dextrose, Wheat Sartch, Coconut Il, Citric Acid, sodium Malatse, Fumaric Acid, Sorbital Syrup, Salt and most importantly Gelatin. Gelatin normally is derived from the source of animal most commonly from pork, therefore, it can be established that Airheads Xtremes Sourfuls are non vegan.

Are Airheads Xtremes Bites Vegan?

There are common ingredients are used to prepare airheads xtremes as in above mentioned however, there is another ingredient that is Carmines. Carmine one of the most widely used red food colorings – carmine – is made from crushed up bugs. The process of making carmine involves collecting the cochineal insects, drying them, and then crushing them to extract the red color. 

Carmine is a red dye that is made from crushing insects, specifically the cochineal insect. It is commonly used in food and cosmetics to create a red or pink color. Due to the presence of carmine in the Xtremes bites, it is not considered vegan. Therefore, if you follow a vegan lifestyle, it is important to avoid consuming products that contain carmine. 

Are Airheads Xtremes Vegan?

It is always a good idea to read the ingredients of the product before going to buy it. Here we have given the ingredients that are used to prepare Airheads Xtremes such as Citric Acid, Hydrogenated Soybean Oil, Artificial Flavors, Potassium Citrate, Malic Acid, Potatoes, corn sugar, wheat flour, corn syrup. Since no harmful material or non-vegan ingredients are used to manufacture Airheads Xtremes, therefore, these are vegan. 

Are Airheads Bars Vegan?

The products used in Airheads Bars are purely vegan. Non-Vegan are not used to prepare airheads bars such as Artificial Colors, Sugar, Maltodextrin, Palm Oil, Corn Syrup,  Dextrose, Modified Corn,  Citric Acid, Water and Artificial Flavor. Therefore, airheads bars are vegan.

Is Airheads Gum Vegan

Apart from are airheads vegan, people also want to know is airheads gum vegan. When it comes to evaluating chewing gum, it’s important to be aware of what’s in it. One interesting thing to note is that manufacturers are not required to disclose what their “chewing gum base” is made of, which can leave consumers in the dark about what they are really chewing on.

In the case of Airheads Gum, it’s important to note that it contains Carmines as an added color. Carmines is a red food coloring that is actually extracted from a special insect species. This means that Airheads Gum is not considered to be vegan-friendly. 

Are Airheads Gummies Vegan?

Are Airheads Gummies Vegan. The answer is no. Airheads gummies are non-vegan. The list of ingredients in Airheads Gummies includes corn syrup, sugar, gelatin, and artificial flavors and colors. Airheads gummies contain beeswax and gelatin, therefore these are non-vegan. 

Are Airheads Soft Filled Bites Vegan?

Many people may assume that Airheads Soft Filled Bites are vegan because they are a type of candy, but they actually contain gelatin, which is not a vegan ingredient. Gelatin is derived from animal products such as cow, pig, or fish, and is obtained by boiling animal skin, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and/or bones in water. As a result,  Airheads Soft Filled Bites are non-vegan.

Are Airheads Bites Vegan?

Airheads Bites may seem like a tasty treat, it’s important to note that they are not vegan. This is due to the inclusion of two non-vegan ingredients: beeswax and shellac. Beeswax is derived from bees and shellac is a substance made from the secretions of female lac bugs and whereas shellac is derived from insects. Both Beeswax and shellac are non-vegan. 


Are airheads vegan? We will conclude our topic with the remarks that Airheads are a popular candy choice for many people, but it’s important to be aware of the ingredients in them. Some varieties of Airheads are vegan, while others are not. it is important to read the labels carefully to determine if the particular flavor you are interested in is vegan or not.

Some non-vegan ingredients to look out for in Airheads include gelatin, beeswax, carmine, and shellac. Always be sure to read the product packaging and labels carefully before making a purchase. Thank you for visiting us. This was all about Are Airheads vegan or not. If you have any other question in your mind, please leave a comment below. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is Airheads candy vegan?
A: Some of the Airheads candies are vegan and some are non-vegan. Read post to get exact information.

Q: Can Muslims eat Airheads?
A: Muslim can eat halal airheads. Check out our other article for halal airheads.

Q: Do Airheads Have Pork Gelatin?
A: Some of the airheads have pork gelatin.

Q: Do airheads xtreme have gelatin?
A: No airheads streme don’t have gelatin ingredients.

Are Airheads Xtremes Vegan?
A: Yes airheads xtremes are vegan as they don’t contain any vegan ingredient.

Q: Are airheads vegan friendly?
A: Some of the airheads are vegan friend and some are non-vegan.

Q: Do Airheads have gelatin in them?
A: Some airheads products have gelatin.

Q: Are Airheads Vegan or Not in accordance with teaching of Islam?
A: Some of the products are vegan and rest of non vegan.

Q: Are airheads candy vegan?
A: Yes some candies are vegan. Go through article for more information about it.

Q: Are Airheads vegan despite inclusion of gelatin?
A: Airheads using gelatin ingredients are not vegan.

Q: Are Airheads Halal?
A: Airheads that do not contain vegan ingredients are haram and rest of all are halal. Check out our another post about this topic.

This was all about Are airheads Vegan or not. We hope that you have got required information, if you have still any question in your mind regarding Are airheads Vegan, please leave a comment below.

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